Ant Colony Optimisation

Optimisation - Multi-agent

The Ants' Quest for Food

Imagine you're a tiny ant, part of a colony that's constantly on the lookout for food. You have no map, no GPS, and no fancy gadgets. Yet, somehow, your colony always seems to find the shortest path to food and back to the nest. How do you do it? The secret lies in a simple, yet remarkably effective strategy: cooperation through pheromones. This strategy forms the basis of the Ant Colony Algorithm, a clever way of solving complex problems by mimicking the behavior of real ants.

The problem this algorithm tackles is finding the best path in a maze of possibilities—whether that maze is a network of roads, a series of job tasks, or even the layout of a circuit. In technical terms, it’s about optimizing paths in a graph, which is a fancy way of saying that it helps find the shortest, most efficient route between points. Traditionally, this kind of problem could take a long time to solve, especially as the maze gets bigger and more complicated. But by thinking like ants, we can arrive at a good solution more quickly.

Strength in Numbers: A Collective Intelligence

Here’s how it works: Each "ant" in the algorithm explores the different paths in the maze. As it moves, it leaves behind a trail of virtual pheromones, just like a real ant. The strength of this pheromone trail depends on the quality of the path—the shorter and more efficient the route, the stronger the pheromone. Over time, more ants are drawn to stronger trails, reinforcing the best paths and gradually fading the weaker ones. The result is that, after enough time and enough ants, the colony—our algorithm—has collectively identified the best route.

This approach is both powerful and elegant. It doesn’t require a master plan or central control; instead, it relies on the simple actions of many agents working together. What’s more, it’s adaptable. If something changes—say, a new obstacle blocks the path—the ants will naturally find a new way around it, building a new optimal path as they go. The algorithm isn’t just about solving a problem once; it’s about continually adapting to find the best solution in a changing environment.

Ant Colony Optimisation: an unformal presentation

The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is a probabilistic technique inspired by the foraging behavior of ants. It is used to solve combinatorial optimization problems, where the objective is to find the best possible solution from a finite set of possible solutions.

Key Concepts:

  • Pheromone Trails: In ACO, artificial ants traverse a graph (which represents the problem space) and deposit pheromones on the edges they travel. The amount of pheromone deposited is typically proportional to the quality of the solution (e.g., shorter paths result in more pheromones).
  • Probability of Path Selection: The probability that an ant will choose a specific path is influenced by the amount of pheromone on that path and the heuristic information (e.g., the length of the path). Over time, paths with higher pheromone levels are more likely to be chosen by other ants, reinforcing successful solutions.
  • Pheromone Update: As ants traverse the graph, the pheromone levels on all paths are updated. Paths with more pheromone become more attractive, while pheromones on less successful paths evaporate, reducing their influence over time. This balance between exploration and exploitation allows the algorithm to converge to an optimal or near-optimal solution.

Algorithm Steps:

  • Initialization: Pheromone levels on all paths are initialized, and parameters such as pheromone evaporation rate and the influence of heuristic information are set.
  • Construct Solutions: Each ant constructs a solution by moving from node to node based on the probability determined by the pheromone levels and heuristic information.
  • Update Pheromones: After all ants have constructed their solutions, pheromones are updated based on the quality of the solutions found.
  • Iteration: The process is repeated for a fixed number of iterations or until convergence criteria are met.


Press the left button to play 10 iterations, the middle one to play one iteration.
The Exploration/Exploitation range sets the \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) values (see below).


1 10 20
5 10 20
1 1 20

Press start


Shortest Paths

Iteration Length

Ant Colony Optimisation: a formal presentation

  • Initialization: initially, an arbitrary decided amount of pheromone is given to each edge in the graph: \(\tau_{xy} = I\), with \(I\) this arbitrary value and \(x,y\) two distinct vertices.
  • Construct Solutions: then, at each timestep, each ant moves from \(x\) to \(y\) with probability \(p_{xy} = \frac {(\tau _{xy}^{\alpha })(\eta _{xy}^{\beta })}{\sum _{z\in \mathrm {allowed} _{x}}(\tau _{xz}^{\alpha })(\eta _{xz}^{\beta })}\), with \( \eta _{xy}\) the desirability of moving from \(x\) to \(y\) based on some a priori knowledge (in our implementation, \( \eta _{xy}\) is always 1), \(\alpha \geq 0\) and \(\beta \geq 0\) two constants defining the influence of resp. the pheromone and the desirability. In our implementation, \(2\geq \alpha \geq 0\) and \(2\geq \beta \geq 0\), and \(\alpha + \beta = 2\). Moving the cursor to full exploitation will set \(\alpha = 2, \beta = 0\).
  • Update Pheromones: Once each ant has reached the objective, the pheromone is updated for each edge \(x,y\) as follows: \(\tau _{xy}\leftarrow (1-\rho )\tau _{xy}+\sum _{k \in \mathrm{Ants}_{xy}}Q/L_{k}\), with \(Q\) a constant, \(L_k\) the length of the path used by ant \(k\) to reach the goal, \(\mathrm{Ants}_{xy}\) the set of ants who moved from \(x\) to \(y\) while reaching the goal, and \(\rho\) the evaporation factor.

History and applications

The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm was first introduced by Marco Dorigo in his 1992 Ph.D. thesis. Dorigo was inspired by the way real ants find the shortest paths to food sources using pheromone trails. He translated this biological phenomenon into a computational model, leading to the development of ACO as a new heuristic for solving complex optimization problems. Over the years, the algorithm has been refined and extended, gaining recognition as a robust method for solving a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems.

ACO has been applied to a variety of real-world problems, particularly those involving combinatorial optimization. Some of the most notable applications include the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where the algorithm finds the shortest possible route that visits a set of cities; vehicle routing, where it optimizes the paths of delivery vehicles; and network routing, where it helps determine the most efficient data paths in communication networks. ACO has also been used in scheduling tasks, such as job-shop scheduling, and in bioinformatics for tasks like protein folding and gene selection. Its versatility and effectiveness make it a popular choice for solving complex optimization problems across diverse fields.

Personal Notes

I had the great pleasure of having Marco Dorigo as my professor during my final year of Master’s studies at ULB. Beyond being a brilliant scientist and researcher, I can confidently say that he is an exceptional teacher who managed to instill in me—and undoubtedly in many of my peers—a deep fascination for the field of Swarm Intelligence. And he did so in a remarkably short span of time: due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our classes, which began in February 2020, were prematurely interrupted less than two months later. Yet, the seed of passion for this field had already been planted. Enthralling, captivating, and deeply human, Marco Dorigo has, unknowingly, become a model for me in my quest to become a university professor.

References & Sources

[1] Dorigo, M. & Stützle, T. "Ant colony optimization". (2004)